My Story

Welcome to My Story.

My name is Vasilena Koleva Ivanova. My second name belongs to my father and my third name belongs to my granfather. That is the way it always goes in Bulgaria.

I was born in 1983 in Sliven, Bulgaria, but my family later on moved to a city on the river Danube - Rousse. That is where I grew up and that is what I call home. I've always been a creative person, since I remember myself. My dream as a child was to become a painter or a fashion designer.

After I graduated from the English Language School in Rousse, I did a bit of travelling before I ended up in The Netherlands almost three years ago. I'm currently in my final year of my studies in the Univesity of The Hague. Going for the School of European Studies gives me a wide range of opportunities to chose from and that is what I like about it. Another thing I fell in love was the international environment; I never could have imagined that I could freely swim in a see of different cultures and become so close and familiar with all of them.

My specialization is Communication Management. Due to my strong sense on creativity, it was not surprising that I felt so strongly deriven to Marketing Communication, which I found extremely interesting and challenging. There is a wide range of different aspects of communication and many differen principles of which one can read in the communication books, but the easiest and most effective way of understanding and learning how to manage communication is by being present in the magnificent international environment. Learning by experience and most importantly encountering difficulties and discovering unique (as well as well-known) ways to overcome them by yourself is the best way of learning!

I am a very lucky person, for having the opportunity to complete my education in The Netherlands and more precisely in the University of The Hague. But that is for the lucky part; the rest is a lot of hard work and devotion. I went through many different phases since the start to discover I have become a very confident young woman. Now I see every trouble as a challenge, I do welcome hard times and I enjoy solving life puzzles.

The hardest thing I had to go through was overcoming homesickness and the best thing I gained is independence, confidence and a whole new state of mind!

In this section, I would like to present to your kind attention, my CV as well.

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